Ninow pleaded guilty to a charge of raping a 7-year old girl in a toilet cubicle at the Dros restaurant in Pretoria.
The High Court in Pretoria has found Nicholas Ninow guilty of rape, possession of drugs and defeating the ends of justice.
The court is packed to capacity with members of the African National Congress (ANC) Women’s League, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and members of civil organisations who are attending the proceedings.
The court broke out in an uproar when Judge Mokhine Mosopa said sentencing procedures will begin on the 16th of October.
Ninow pleaded guilty to a charge of raping a 7-year old girl in a toilet cubicle at the Dros restaurant in Pretoria in 2018.
Judge Mosopa accepted the young victim’s testimony that Ninow followed her to the bathroom, confirming that the attack was premeditated. Ninow’s claim that he acted impulsively when he attacked her was rejected by the court.
The State called a number of witnesses, including a child-minder on duty on the day, the child’s mother and the little girl herself who gave evidence on camera.
Source:SABC News