Adelani Ogunrinade chats to the CEO of AACC Sport, Aris Albetti about his centre for Champions and his playing days in the Italian Serie A.

What are your thoughts on the development of sports in Africa?
I see a lot of potential for Africa, but the continent still needs time to develop. The lack of world class facilities in many sports centres on the continent makes it difficult for up and coming African athletes to develop their talent.
Tell us about your company, AACC Sport?
The AACC is a sports management and personal development company for aspiring athletes. The company prides itself in its client services that include talent representation, personal brand development and management. We find fresh talent and assist them with effective fitness programs, Contract negotiations, Media relations strategies, marketing and Endorsement deals. AACC Sport is passionate about finding the solutions our clients need to enhance their performances and keep their brands thriving in the world of sport.
What inspired you to start up this company?
My passion for soccer and sport in general. I see too many people with great jobs but with unhappy lives. I just do what I love. It is as simple as that.
Do you miss your days as a professional footballer? If so, what do you miss about it?
Absolutely yes, but it is the past. You can never be attached to your past because you can lose great opportunities in the present. I am happy with my new job. I am still involved with soccer today and this what counts for me.My experience can help young players to avoiding making the same mistakes that I have done.
What advice will you give to young entrepreneurs who want to start their own sports company one day?
Don’t over think, go out there in the jungle and learn as much as you can from your mistakes. Remember to build your network and stick to your vision and your company principles. Most importantly – be patient!