AFRISAM-SAIA Sustainable Design Award Shortlist Announced
The sixth AfriSam-SAIA Sustainable Design Award has announced its shortlisted entries for 2019/2020. These submissions showcase the best in African architectural and design innovation,...
World Health Organisation (WHO) Chooses Pharmacology Prof Matsabisa From the University...
Prof Motlalepula Matsabisa, Professor in the Department of Pharmacology at the University of the Free State (UFS), in South Africa, is leading Africa’s fight...
SA Draws on 30 Years of International Experience to Fight Blood...
“Thank you for choosing to become a donor, for being so selfless and – above all – thank you for saving my life.”
These are...
Commonwealth health ministers demand equal access to COVID-19 vaccines for the...
Commonwealth health ministers have today issued a joint statement after their annual meeting in which they called for swift and equal access to COVID-19...
The ultimate silent sufferer: the story of a psoriasis patient
The ultimate silent sufferer: the story of a psoriasis patient
Alison Johnson* was diagnosed with psoriasis in her late teens. Large, white, itchy, bleeding scabby...
Schizophrenia is genetic, should you be worried?
Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder and often results in psychotic episodes.1 Should you worry about the hereditary nature of the disorder? This is a...
Sponsors of Brave: The Gratitude Season
Calling all South Africans to the frontline! It's time to rally together to celebrate our pharmacy heroes who have made our safety their priority...
New Fungal Threat Which Kills 1.7 Million People a Year Spread...
New Fungal Threat Which Kills 1.7 Million People a Year Spread By Birds and Climate Change Is On the March Say Scientists
A serious fungal...
Unique Website Helps Children and Parents Worldwide to Prepare for Hospitalization
Every year, millions of children around the world are admitted to hospital for having anaesthesia and surgery. Many of them experience preoperative anxiety which...
Psoriasis is more than skin deep
People living with psoriasis face the reality of their condition at all times. Red, scaly patches on the skin, the itch that won’t go away, the stares, invasive questions and comments, and the...
Schizophrenia does NOT mean multiple personalities
Across the globe, schizophrenia is a widely misunderstood disorder with many people mistaking it for Dissociative Personality Disorder (formerly known as multiple personality disorder).1
World Autism Month – April 2021 – Action in Autism
“People with special needs should be accepted into society along with everyone else. The value of a person shouldn’t be solely fixed by his...
World Obesity Day: Why ‘Eat More, Move More’ is not Obesity’s...
Why ‘Eat Less, Move More’ Is Not Obesity’s Silver Bullet
We would like to believe there may be small, simple solutions to big problems, but...
Commonwealth Secretariat shares learning on managing elections in Africa during the...
Commonwealth countries in Africa have been pooling knowledge gained from managing election processes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Electoral activities delivered safely
Documented in a new paper...
Poor countries could face grave death toll from lack of access...
Opinion: Racism seeks to drive us apart but there are rays of hope
Poorer countries will most likely “bear the brunt of hundreds of thousands...