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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Conferencing: It’s All About Your Audience

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 Your conference audience is your most valuable asset. Imagine hosting
a conference without an audience—exhibitors and sponsors arrive, but
no one is there to engage with them. That’s a scenario no organizer
wants to face. The truth is, your conference needs an engaged audience
to thrive, grow, and evolve. Your audience is the foundation upon
which the success of your conference is built.

Choosing the right venue for your business conference can be
challenging, especially when catering to various preferences. Granny
Mouse Country House & Spa offers versatile conference facilities that
can accommodate anywhere from 30 to 130 attendees, making it the ideal
setting for intimate gatherings, larger business meetings,
team-building events, product launches, or corporate conferences.

“There’s something for everyone at Granny Mouse,” says General Manager
Sean Granger. “We have an on-site spa that offers rejuvenating
treatments for small groups, and a variety of team-building activities
to bring the fun back into the workplace. Test your culinary skills
with our chefs in the MousterChef cooking challenge or enhance your
wine knowledge by pairing meals with the perfect wines, beers, or
whiskies. Whatever your ideas, our team is here to bring them to

 Granny Mouse also boasts 32 luxurious rooms, offering the option of
exclusivity, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the serene
country atmosphere. Additionally, there’s a charming 12-sleeper
farmhouse just 900 meters from the hotel.

When it comes to your audience, remember that they aren’t a guaranteed
asset—you must earn their attention, loyalty, and participation.
People choose to follow, subscribe, and engage with brands,
organizations, and events when it provides them with value, saves them
money, or offers timely and relevant content. Today’s consumers are in
control, deciding which events to attend and which to ignore.

Unfortunately, many conference organizers overlook this reality. They
often rely heavily on paid media and advertising, assuming it will
bring in all the audience they need. While this strategy may have
worked in the past, it’s no longer sufficient in today’s world.
Building a long-term, loyal audience is now a crucial responsibility
for any conference organizer. Failing to do so will leave you trailing
behind competitors who prioritize audience engagement over traditional
advertising methods.

 In his book, Audience: Marketing in the Age of Subscribers, Fans, and
Followers, Jeffrey Rohrs identifies six types of audiences that you
can build for your conference:

Seekers: These are individuals in search of information or
entertainment, often via mobile devices. As an organizer, you capture
their attention by offering relevant content that meets their needs.
Seekers are not part of your audience until they choose to engage with
your content. They come and go as they please, and you must
continuously work to keep them satisfied.
Amplifiers: Amplifiers thrive on sharing information with their
personal networks. They don’t just consume content; they spread it,
helping your message reach a wider audience. Amplifiers stay in your
orbit as long as they find value in sharing your content.
Joiners: Joiners are your most valuable audience members. They pay for
registration, subscribe to your content, and actively engage with your
offerings. They’re the ones who open the communication channels,
saying, “I want to hear from you.”
VIP Joiners: Subscribers: These individuals offer something of
value—whether it’s their contact information or money—in exchange for
exclusive content delivered through their preferred channels.
Subscribers value convenience.
VIP Joiners: Fans: Fans are driven by emotion. They’re passionate
about your conference and enjoy connecting with like-minded
individuals. Fans are loyal followers who not only engage with your
content but also communicate with other fans.
VIP Joiners: Followers: Followers seek curated information from you
and enjoy the social prestige that comes with sharing that
information. They follow you because they want to be in the know and
be seen as trendsetters.

So, how do you turn Seekers and Amplifiers into VIP Joiners? One
effective tactic is to involve them in your event. Offer Amplifiers
the chance to guest blog or participate in expert interviews, helping
them achieve their goals of sharing valuable information with their
own audience. By supporting their objectives, they’re more likely to
become deeply involved in your event and engage with your audience.

Here are some tips to keep your audience engaged during your conference:

Choose Skilled Moderators: The right moderator can significantly
impact audience engagement and learning. Involve them early in the
planning process to shape the flow and format of your event. A
well-prepared moderator understands the objectives and can facilitate
meaningful interactions.
Switch to Conversational Formats: Empower your audience by moving away
from traditional keynote presentations and embracing more interactive,
conversational formats. Tools like Slido can help crowdsource and
prioritize audience questions, making them an active part of the
Hold Separate Q&A Sessions: Allow attendees to dive deeper into
discussions with your speakers. Create opportunities for them to
engage directly with thought leaders and successful CEOs.
Offer 1:1 Sessions with Experts: Provide attendees with the chance to
discuss their specific challenges with experts in private sessions.
This personalized attention can significantly enhance their conference
Conclude with Key Takeaways: Like a well-crafted ending to a book, a
strong wrap-up session can reinforce what your audience has learned.
Instead of a closing presentation, engage them in reflecting on and
internalising their key takeaways.

 To make the most of your conference experience, take advantage of
Granny Mouse’s special offers, available on Mondays, Tuesdays, and
Wednesdays. Whether it’s day conferencing or a package that includes
accommodation and meals, they have something to suit every need. For
more information, contact Veronica at banqueting@grannymouse.co.za

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