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Friday, February 21, 2025

Create your own pace

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By now you have figured out what you want to do or change from your past year self-introspection.

Pacing yourself is a strong element in terms of goal achievement.

You have to understand that we are created in a multi-dimensional form and all the dimensions that define us are well provided for. We have been given grace to do up to a certain limit and the one in charge over our lives finishes off the rest.

I will critically stress the importance of engaging God in our plans.

Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.

Let your focus be channeled through whom you belong to . One thing I’ll assure you is that God will never plant a passion within just to boast, but He plants it because it is your destiny. Therefore ,it is up to us to channel our thoughts and building towards our destiny properly. Sometimes we divert due to external pressure and internal doubt .

Let us work together here and make sure we restart right and press the correct buttons in channeling what we ought to achieve going forward.

Do not let the following divert your focus when building your pace.

– Social expectation
You are not subjected to the timeframe and processes created by the society. Your peers might have mastered these but that doesn’t make you late in the expected schedule. God has created us differently , some are early catchers and some are late catchers but the end result settles us properly in our predestined plan. Do not make another person determine your process of development and achievement. Understand yourself and your path because this will help in creating your pace as stated earlier that your case is different from everyone else’s. No matter what has happened before , whether it was your carelessness or background challenges , never use that against yourself. God is never late and so are you.


-Chronological age

This is the biggest element that puts people under pressure. We have socially grouped people according to age in equivalence to expected achievements. Scientifically, this is a measure created to monitor and encourage people to work harder and be at a certain level socially. I do not dispute this measure but remember , God Exceptional. Do not attach yourself to norms when your God works beyond normal .

– Family pressure
We come from different families , some expect us to plant back what they’ve planted in us , some want us to fly away and build our towers and some backgrounds by default require us to help out. This must not be a stumbling block on your pace plan. You can never be a hero to everyone , God is . Do not fast pace yourself and miss your steps which usually exposes you to more risk of failure in your path. The pace you create will help you plan things on time, take your time and achieve them one by one.

– When things are just not happening
There are times where you try the slowest pace , the fastest pace and all sorts to make certain things happen but still they don’t. Remember earlier I highlighted that we are multi-dimensional meaning, there are things we can do ourselves through God’s grace and there are certain things that are entirely dependent on God. Do not even stress about those , pray , read your bible and do all that is within your measures and let God do the rest.

– Materialism
Materialism has wounded the Y-generation. We have become a generation that seeks its sense of significance through material possession. Cut down on that . You need to start redefining yourself if at this point you have defined yourself through what you own. This pressure has caused so much harm because people have put themselves in debt , living a lie and beyond their affordability . Know and acknowledge your economic status . Your value is not defined by your economy but by your worth.

I hope you will think more about this and let yourself take a deep breath on this new interesting venture. May God cover you . You are indeed blessed and powerful.

For more inspirational words, you can follow Nolizwi on Instagram and facebook @Nolizwi Mbobo

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