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Friday, February 28, 2025

How to deal with a dented reputation?

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Reputation means a lot to a lot of morally cautious people.

We may control how we expose ourselves to the world but the world decides how it perceives us. We live in very opinionated societies , people with rights and freedom to speech and analysis.

We can play our personal maximum capacity to protect and keep our reputation intact but life has its own surprises. It is important to protect our reputation to an extent but this becomes dangerous when we start defining ourselves on perfection. No human is without mistakes which is why it is important to build on the Grace of God and not our perfect perception of ourselves. Romans 3: 22 And this righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no distinction, 23,for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

Your perfect perception of yourself will hit you hard when things go against your way which is why you need to build your perfection in Jesus with humility. We are not perfect but made perfect through the Perfect grace of God. Hebrews 10 : 14 because by a single offering He has made perfect for all time those who are sanctified.

When you start understanding the fact that it is not you who make yourself but His Grace does , the blunders you make won’t be an opening to your downfall but you will know that the One who initiated your perfection will restore it.

Rules that will help you get through a reputational dent situation

1.Do not comment immediately
– While the situation is still fresh , people are usually emotionally infuriated and everything you say no matter how pure it is might be held against you.
-You are also emotionally shaken and your utterance is influenced by emotions .
-If it involves the media , do not say a thing . If it is critical for the media to get something , try to get a spokesperson to deliver a clear message that you are not ready to comment but will when ready. Remember , you are not obliged to satisfy everyone. For your reputation’s sake , the spokesperson helps in stabilising people’s unease and speculation that might surface , speculations like , you are running away and so forth.

2.Take a break
– If taking a break away is doable , please take time off to cool off, think and develop new strategies to deal with your situation. An urgent response is not worth your life’s emergency .

A break doesn’t necessarily mean a vacation but a mental disconnection to what is currently happening with you. Disconnectedness does not mean ignorance but organising yourself to rise above the situation.

3.Organise yourself
– If it is a media related situation, find a reputable media house only when your mind has retained its sanity and ask them to publish your true side of the story may there be a need.
– If it is just a community matter, address what people need to know and not necessarily everything. Remember , emotions might stabilise but people’s memories will never vanish .
– Write down your blunder and the lessons you learnt from all that has happened.
– Accept yourself for who you are . Embrace yourself and turn your blunders into strengths.
– Seek mentorship while processing the situation.

4. Handle your family
– This case depends on the role you are in the family. Some situations will need you to organise professional help for your family and some cases might just require you to sit down with them and explain.
– Arrange Spiritual counselling for yourself and your family.
– Take time off and seek God in prayer and fasting . Create a prayer altar where you’ll consistently go to regain your strength . Using the term ”altar “ doesn’t necessarily refer to a physical shrine but your corner of prayer.

In conclusion , keep your mind in the knowledge of Christ . This is the knowledge that affirms that God owns your destiny and no man , no situation will twist the hand of God on His divine plan for you. Do not let the storm stop your crossing over to your breakthrough and don’t stop pursuing your calling.

For more powerful and inspirational words  follow Nolizwi on Instagram and facebook @Nolizwi Mbobo

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