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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Guys did you know that Stella Damascus Allegedly Used Sex Charms To Snatch her fellow Actress, Doris Simeon’s Husband

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Temmy, a fun loving creative writer, is a graduate of Lead City University. She simply loves life, others and God. Aside writing, she enjoys counselling and encouraging others.‎

Guys did you know that Stella Damascus Allegedly Used Sex Charms To Snatch her fellow Actress, Doris Simeon’s Husband

Believe it or not Nollywood actress Stella Damascus did it and indirectly revealed the secret sex charm she used in snatching her colleague’s husband.
2years back, Nigerian film produce Daniel Ademoninokan dumped his wife of many years, Doris Simeon over her inability to satisfy him in bed, an issue he tagged “boring sex life”.
the woman at the centre of attraction was Stella Damascus, well Stella who is an activist has on several occasions empowered or lectured women worldwide on how to keep their men.
In an article titled “Keeping yourman“, the actress revealed some powerful tips on how women can keep their husbands for life,an indication that she snatched Daniel when she noticed Doris’s weak point.

They (Stella & Daniel) started as business partners and from there, Daniel Ademinokan told his wife to go and leave with her mum for a while. This was how he allegedly chased his wife, the mother of his son out of her matrimonial home.
Months after that Daniel served Doris Simeon with a fake divorce document. and Daniel and Stella Damascus escaped to the United States of America.

Well Read her article on how to keep your man;
This is for the married women oplease this is not targeted at single girls.
Now we know that the one thing men cannot live without apart from money is S*X. I really don’t care where anyone is from or what religion you belong to, Iwill be as raw and honest as possible. I do not understand why women especially Africans
do not talk about s*x when we know that it is the one thing we do regularly with so much pleasure.
Anyway our men love s*x to the max and we know that for a fact. So how come when we are dating them we are so willing to give them what they want even though we know it is wrong.
The first few years of marriage is filled with s*x almost five times a day in different parts of the house and at odd hours, butafter the few years we start to back down, we start to make excuses, we start to see it as a chore and then we let them know that we are really not interested in them physically.
Wow, what happened to the lady fox, the hot chic, the s*xy cat that he got married to?
What happened to the babe thatwould understand the signal he would give and immediately comply?
What happened those times when he would race home to his s*xy energetic ever ready wife who would make him feel wanted?
I know that most of you will say “I have kids who wear me out,I have work that drains me, I got older, my s*x drive has gone under, I have a headache” to the point that the man will need to get a visa at your “embassy” to visit his favorite place in the World.
When you do this to him, how do you expect him to come home everyday to look at your tired, grumpy and unfriendly face?
How would you expect him to come home to you complaining about the plumber, your child that was being rude, and your boss that gave you a hard time?
NOOOOOOO please.
At that point he wants you to take him to that special place were the sky is so wonderful and turn his brain around to thepoint that all you say will sound like sweet music to his ears.
These men are human beings who go through their own challenges, half of which you don’t even know because they are trying to save you from all the stress.
What annoys me the most is when we women start to complain and nag about the men not having time for us, and how they no longer find us attractive anymore and that’s where the suspicion
starts. That’s when the saying comes, “if he is not getting it from me someone else must be giving it to him’.
I don’t encourage cheating at allin fact it goes against what the bible teaches no matter what. I will not also judge anyone who has been caught in a web he is not proud of for one reason or the other. I believe that if we aretruly sorry for our sins and we go to God with the determination not to sin again, he is merciful and will forgive us.
In all of this I know that all men are not beasts, neither are they evil because we married them. I also know that men do not get married and carry it at the back of their minds that they must cheat.

That’s not how it works please. There are things that we do that trigger things in their brains and these things drive them to do things that they really would not have done. Most of us believe it when they say men don’t think with their brains but they think with their p*nis. I beg to differ because they know what they are doing and I don’t see how the penis can have a brain that will control the whole body. There is always something that sparks off in the brain that sends the signal to the p*nis.
You may or may not agree with me but this is what I choose to believe. Most men we married are not so evil and dubious, some may be cowards but cast your mind back to the kind of man you chose to marry and see if there were traces of that character or not.

What men want:
– They want to feel like they are in control of things which is not bad because they are the head.
– They want to feel loved and like it or not they are our first babies who desire words of affirmation no matter how macho they seem.
– They want to feel WANTED all the time, it gives them the confidence that all men crave for.
– They want to know you are still s*xually attracted to them.
– They don’t want you to make it obvious that you are smatter even if you are.
– They like their space and alone time.
– They don’t want to come home to a fat mama who is the opposite of the s*xy curvy woman he fell in love with, because she let herself go after they got married. Why should she try and look the same? She is married now, who else does she have to impress? WRONG! Men are first of all moved by what they see before anything else. So when they can’t see that anymore or at least an effort to getting back that body that turned them on, they’ll probably lose interest in you and find it someone else.
– They don’t want to come and hug you after work with you are smelling of onions and oil. At least take a shower before he gets there or if there is no time spray perfume.
– They want to come home to a nice smelling neat and tidy home.
– They want to walk into the bedroom with the bed all made up and clothes arranged. Maybe a small note on his pillow saying I love you and I am glad you are home, that definitely puts an automatic smile on his face even if for three seconds, it keeps him interested in you
– They want you to be a good listener not just a talker.
– They want to know that you believe in them and you are proud of them.
– They want to know that no matter what you will have their back and support them, then ask questions later.
– They just want to see that you are making an effort because no human should expect you to be perfect.
– They don’t want another mother but they want you to take care of them the way you would your kids.
– They want a wife, girlfriend, sorry to say (personal call girl) which is not a bad thing because he is your husband who is free to express his s*xual desires as long as they are not life
threatening or demeaning.
There are so many things I can add and you will not stop reading so let me end this by saying: if you do not try to do at least 60 percent of this regularly, trust me a younger version of you will cross his path and that is exactly how the enemy
works. When that younger and more energetic version of you catches his eye, your matter will quietly end.
This girl will rock his world so bad that coming home to you will become a chore. These girls can give him all these things and even more that the men find it so difficult to resist. All the money that was supposed to go to you and your children will
find their way to her pocket. They can get anything they want from your man because they know the secret to getting and keeping him.
I know that this article will cause a lot of controversial wahala but it is fine because in life people don’t like to hear the truth.
This might also be an opportunity for people to make silly comments but the truth is I am loving it all. I finally have the attention of people who will ordinarily not want to listen to me or watch me.
Ladies on a more serious note, if you are guilty of these crimes and are depriving your husband of what is rightfully his then don’t be shocked when a younger version of you gets the best of him.
Think about this objectively, try out what you agree with and discard what you don’t. Leave the messenger out of it for a change and see the bigger picture ahead.



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