Following months of renovations, Granada Square recently unveiled their stunning new look and feel, and are now looking forward to sharing this new look with you by hosting a night market on Friday, October 25th from 16h30 to 21h30.
Granada Square’s night market will see some of the tenants of the Centre extending their trading hours as well as including artisanal food and craft items from local business owners such as, but not limited to, The Original Biltong Steak, Sugarlicious Ice Cream Macarons, Squirrels Bavarian Nuts, The Fudge Jar, ramJAMmy’s Artisan Food, Little Bundles, Zummmy Stationery, and so much more. A market would not be complete without the musical talents of The Kerry Cherry Duo keeping us entertained with their sultry vibes.
Entrance to the market is free and there are two levels of undercover parking. So bring the family along and join us for a night of shopping, food and entertainment.
For more information, visit the Granada Square facebook page!
ABOUT Kerry Cherry
Singer, performer and song writer natural born talent. Kerry started singing at a tender age of 8years old at family functions. She later went on and join the DCC church choir where she developed her sound. She recorded SAMA award winning song “Baby” which was East Coast Radios No.1 for 4weeks. Kerry has performed with many bands over the last 10years and has excelled in both the club scene and corporate science with regular appearances in all our local theatres.
KERRY currently leads the band Kerry Cherry and the Hard done by’s which have 2 consecutive tribute shows going for the last 3 months. A tribute to Ella Fitzgerald and the diva herself, Amy Winehouse. Kerry not only does gigs but runs her own business Laquache Music CONNOISSEURS Pty Ltd. and is a full time mother of 2 .
She works hard and plays even harder. A true artist and versatile musician who can cover music from the 1920’s until today. As well as doing her own written music. Kerry is truly a force and dedicated hardworking musician. Her style is smooth, soulful, grunge, tasteful and connects with all audiences. Kerry is without a doubt one of the greatest vocalist Durban has to offer.