1) When did you discover that you could sing and how did that come about? I’ve enjoyed singing from my early days, but I was a mediocre talent throughout my schooling career. I did get relative support from friends and family regarding my songwriting though. People’s general attitude has always been, “Yes, this is a great hobby, but when are you going to pursue a real career?” (I know many creatives will be able to relate).
2) When did you decide that you wanted to be a singer? I’ve been dreaming of this since the first time I ever played Singstar.
3) Do you have any formal training? I used to be a member of the choir in primary school, otherwise I’ve just trained myself using vocal exercises I ripped from YouTube.
4) Do you play any instruments and if so, which? I was always too stubborn to learn to read music so I’ve taught myself to play rhythm guitar by ear, and I can play some honestly only primitive piano (just enough for producing demos). My shaker/tambourine skills are coming along though, so I’m still hopeful.

5) Do people compare you to any other artists out there – and if they do – who are they? I get Norah Jones a lot, Lilly Allen, Lana Del Rey and Billie Eilish…though my social life often gets compared to that of the Rolling Stones.
6) What is your big dream? To be a self-made and respected household name.
7) Is this your debut single or have you released music in the past (professionally – to radio or digitally)? If so, please tell more about this? I’ve had a few features (mostly house) on the radio thus far. I’ve collaborated with locally-renowned producers Cosher (Cosher Studios), Ameen Harron (Arkham Studios), 2wiceshye (Universal Music SA) and Independent Producer, Tristan Carmichael.
Christian Wright (Abbey Roads) and Angus Powell (Acclaimed Indie-Folk singer); “Ghost” done with DJ Needle got a distribution deal with Mo Black Records (Italy) in Europe. I did a feature called ‘White Roses’ with DSB that was released digitally. I’ve done some songwriting for the likes of Oshri and some others in some songwriting camps I was part of thanks to my music publisher, John Fishlock.
8) Who do you think will enjoy your music and who would you say is your main target audience? I have no idea. I’ve never shared music that was 100% my own style and creation with the world before. I’d like to think the pop aspects will hook people in school and young adults, but also that the old-school rock sound would attract adults as well.
9) Are you signed to a label or an independent artist? Would you like to keep it that way? I’d like to maintain as much control of my music and brand as possible, but I’m very aware that I need someone to help elevate my game if I’m going to take a real shot at the rockstar thing. So we’ll see…
10) Why did you go to the UK and how on earth did you end up working with Christian Wright and Angus Powell? I’d been working abroad in France and seeing as I was already in the neighbourhood, John Fishlock arranged some meetings for me with other publishers and songwriters in London. I’d met Christian in Cape Town before, and I bought him some shots on his birthday, which I think stood me in good stead to work with me on that side of the world. As for Angus, John put us in touch and I met him for the first time the day we wrote the first single for our duo project that I hope we will be able to share soon.
11) Please tell more about “Ghost” and your journey with it – how did it come about and what success did you enjoy and what was your involvement etc? JCue, a great local producer and I met when we performed at the same “Hunters Start Something” event in Cape Town. He showed me the track and got me in studio to do my vocals. Needle (the producer of the track) hit me up some time later and told me it landed a distribution deal with Mo Black records and the rest is history.
12) Are you planning to stay in SA until you made it here (and internationally) OR any plans to move abroad? I’d like to build a following and connection here (provided the lovely people of South Africa actually enjoy my music haha) before moving abroad. I’ve got some pending exposure in the U.S, which I’m hoping will result in some excuses to do some work there. I’m still based in Cape Town for the foreseeable future but I kind of always keep one bag packed, so that when the next opportunity presents itself, there’s nothing holding me back.
13) What did you do after your matriculated up to now? I deserted two scholarships to spend a year teaching English in Thailand, I came back to SA after leaving a job curating TESL curriculum for a pre-school in Bangkok. I bartended for a bit until I decided I couldn’t stand to get a real job like everyone had instructed, so I moved to Cape Town to pursue my music career only to have had someone rob me of most of my savings because I have terrible business instincts. That resulted in me starting from scratch and working at night for a few years, and when that wasn’t allowing me to give my music career the attention and money it required, I left to work on super yachts overseas. That afforded me the opportunity to go to London, record an EP and create my own home studio. After having just completed another project that incorporated my previous work experience and apparently eccentric personality, I’m freshly back in SA and ready to start sharing my music with the world as it is NOW LONG OVERDUE.
14) Are you a full time artist or do you have another day job as well? Aside from my dalliance with the yachting industry, I do a few part-time jobs when I’m back in the city such as bartending, hostessing, working as a stewardess and some extra/feature work in the film/advertising industry, which keeps my schedule as flexible as needed.
15) Are you married / single / involved? Any children? Been single virtually my entire life. I’d probably have become a cat lady by now if it weren’t for my apparent commitment issues.
16) What other future plans do you have? Music is all I’m about right now.
17) Is Georgia Rose your birth name? If not what was it and why did you choose this as your professional name? My full name is Georgia Rose Grobler, but given that I’m actually incredibly English, and the amount of phlegm required to correctly pronounce my surname – eliminating all chances of sounding attractive, I’ve decided to holster it until I can marry into another one. I’m also terrible at names (I named my mom’s cat, Fish), so I’d rather just use my own.
18) Name five fun facts about yourself:
-I’m South African with a British accent;
-I can’t whistle so I have to do a birdcall instead;
-I virtually only wear heels;
-My Les Paul guitar has a built-in bottle opener;
-I go nowhere without my flask.
19) What would surprise people / fans about you? How bad my Afrikaans accent is.