Water reuse continues to lead as a crucial initiative among industrial and mining sectors. This is according to Andre Opperman, managing director, Rolfes Water: “Our focus remains directed toward finding new ways to treat and manage water resources and the needs of the environment as clients deal with water restrictions and shortages nationwide.”
He says water intensive industries, such as mining and industrial, are particularly affected and require experienced technical skills to develop and implement the best water treatment solutions: “With our cumulative years of knowledge developing total water treatment solutions, Rolfes Water is focused on meeting specific customer needs. These include a variety of purification and separation needs, ranging from relatively compact and straightforward to complex, multiunit processes that serve a diverse set of applications.”
No longer dealing with isolated treatments, Opperman says that total water treatment solutions are optimal: “We use the broadest range of green technologies and solutions to treat, reduce, reuse and recycle water for industrial clients. Understanding that fresh water is precious, scarce and every drop counts. Rolfes Water offers total water management solutions for water interface industrial applications with an ultimate goal of zero liquid discharge.”
Water treatment is used to optimise most water-based industrial processes, such as heating, cooling, processing, cleaning, and rinsing so that operating costs and risks are reduced. Opperman says that in many cases, effluent water from one process can be suitable for reuse in another process if given suitable treatment.

“By adopting an integrated water management approach customers will evaluate and optimise all of the resources used on their entire site. The basis of this methodology is conservation, or reducing water use through improved operation of existing equipment and processes,” says Opperman.
To address the entire scope of total water treatment, Opperman says Rolfes has a leading range that includes industrial water solutions, potable water products and engineered solutions aimed at providing full design, operation, service and repair capabilities. He says the company also addresses risk management aimed at providing potability testing and Legionella assessments and control.
For more information, visit www.rolfeswater.com